One remedy you may consider, which has had great success, is a simple facial mask that you can blend in your home. Your pantry holds a lot of the ingredients you will need to make these basic remedies. Using baking soda on a moist wash cloth is an excellent method for exfoliating your skin. You simply rub the cloth on your skin, wash your face with water and pat dry.
TIP! Extreme temperatures may be grounds for developing acne. You'll more than likely be sweating a lot more when the weather gets hot.
Another useful facial mask consists of oatmeal; just like the one you have for your morning meal. You cook it up as if you were going to eat it, only you allow it to cool and then place it on your skin for about twenty minutes. Rinse your face with water and pat dry. To get the best result possible, you will be required to use the facial mask every day for a few weeks.
There are some home remedies for acne that consist of ingredients that are probably already in your kitchen cupboard. Lemon juice is one of these; you can apply it directly to the pimples on your face. This is a natural antiseptic that you can use to clear up your acne. You can also help your acne by drinking the lemon juice, which is easily accomplished just by squeezing a few drops of it into a glass of water.
TIP! A diet that contains fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains will help your body get rid of acne. Drinking water keeps your body hydrated, which will make it easier for your skin to retain moisture.
Another substance that has a similar effect is apple cider vinegar, which can also be applied directly to the affected area. There are lots of benefits to drinking apple cider vinegar and you only have to mix a tiny amount of it with water.
During stressful periods in your life, you may notice that your acne becomes more active and even worse. It's common knowledge that stress plays havoc with the body's hormones and this, in turn, can aggravate your acne. Stress may not be the cause of acne, but it can be a factor that irritates it. Unfortunately, acne itself can cause more stress, so this is something you should try to avoid.
TIP! Neosporin can help to heal a pimple that has already popped. This is also a great way to take care of redness.
Having acne can seriously impact your life but remember, it isn't a major health issue and you can get rid of it once you've found the right treatment. Make an effort to learn how to keep yourself from reacting stressfully to your acne so you don't cause more damage to your skin. Not only will your overall health benefit, your acne should clear up a lot faster. While there are some cases in which your acne is severe enough to warrant a visit to the doctor or dermatologist, most of the over counter and natural based remedies can also help you with your problems.
If you have acne, it's a good idea to pay attention to everything that could adversely affect your skin including your diet, any makeup that you wear and skin care products you use, etc because there is no telling what could be making the problem worse. Try some of the above natural acne remedies, and you may find one that works well for you.
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